If you have anxiety or depression and your doctor only prescribed you medicine didn't prescribe a workout/movement program and vitamins / supplements, you need a new doctor.

I'm not here to say medication is bad, not in the slightest.

What I'm here to say is that we have been taught to medicate more than to manage.


Anyone with depression ever taken some B12's? Holy Moses hallelujah praise the heavens give me some of that. That is some good happy medicine right there.

And have you ever experienced going for a run and feeling utterly and 100% horrible afterwards? Maybe you were down on yourself telling yourself you sucked but come on, that little endorphin rush, wasn't it suuuuh good?

I am on a mission to # unlearnanxiety

My Dad said something really interesting to me and I resisted it at first. In fact it made me mad.

He told me I wasn't born with anxiety. That things happened and I learned it.

Is that true? I don't know, I don't have a frickin medical degree or knowledge in these areas in a deep way so go bark up another tree for that.

But I do know that I haven't always been this way. I mean for a long time yes, but it's gotten worse, so there's hope that it can get ... you guessed it, better.

And it has.

With honestly gut wrenching work on myself. With daily development of my mindset.

Literally podcasts and books; and it started out slow and hard and feeling like it was useless but it was my JOB.

So I did it. Even if I thought it was stupid.

And you know what I discovered?

That I can train my brain to act differently, just like I can train my muscles.

That I can frickin unlearn anxiety.

I don't know how long it'll take.

I don't know if it's possible to ever really get rid of it, but I do know this;

Movement, exercise has been PROVEN to help alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Our bodies NEED things like B12's and vitamin D and sure if you believe you can eat enough food to get all that in your diet that's great but I for one will take my supplements every day until death do us part because of the incredible clarity I felt on day one. wedding dresses with bows

I believe in it 100% and I challenge you today to get out and move like your life depends on it, because it does.

And if you need support I have two places that can help, either in my free community or my VIP group where women have invested with me and get my 1:1 daily support and weekly check ins.

You don't have to do it alone. You can, but you don't have to.

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