Commentary By Our Facebook Friend Rochelle Bagsby

There was a time when black people had pride had a sense of family there was a time when our black children set the standard they were the kids behaving in public. Now look. I hate to say but when black men removed themselves from the family and started this hit it and quit mess and not claiming their children things have gone downhill. Now we have a generation of fathers that don't care about themselves or anybody. Men use t ... o take their families to church the men of God just to be respected now look the churches are full of women and the pastors are preying on the single women or kids. yeah I said it.

Our people don't want to admit to the truth they want to blame everyone except themselves. Michael Jackson said it better look at the man in the mirror. I don't know why black folk get shocked at the racist crap that other races do to us. White folk don't take us serious when we singing and dancing to music that call each other nigga and treat black woman like hookers have them twerking looking a mess I could go one but whats the point. Either we black people change or watch things get worse. Ucenter Dress vintage style items for women accompany with brides

My Response--Bravo Ms. Bagsby!!!!

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